Now Is the Time to Reset Your Life

My Greek Salad

Wow! For those wondering where I’ve been for the last seven months, I thought I would give a quick update. We are now back in England following the worldwide virus that has hit us like a thunderbolt. To be honest, we would have preferred to stay where we were, and I’ll tell you why. We have been living off-grid, as it were, for almost a year. We found a house, basically in the middle of nowhere, around 25 miles from the small city of Sparta, … Read More…

The Power of the Law Of Attraction

law of attraction working against me

I’ve been talking about writing a book about my journey with the power of the Law of Attraction for some time now, but as things stand, it might not ever happen. Find out why in this post below. I have to admit over the last four or five months I’ve taken my eye off the ball, so to speak. Let me explain. Around September, I decided to get on with writing a book I had started a couple of years ago, a sort of travel … Read More…